Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mr. Clown

This morning I decided to make a clown with the puff ball things I have. So at first I was going for a big puff ball head which I was trying to get Becca to help with but she only did a couple then wanted to eat her fruit. So I finished that and started on a body...then I realized the hair would be waaaayyyyy too big so I made a different head of clown hair. So this is my finished clown, I think he's cute...all original! Becca likes him too.

In other news I think I traumatized her yesterday! She was picking her nose (I know not very lady like) and I asked if there was a booger up there and she said no and continued jamming the finger up there...then I asked if there was an elephant up there...she then bawled her eyes out and I asked what was wrong and she looked at me through tear filled eyes and said "elephant?" and cried some more...then grabbed my finger and tried to stick it up her nose, I'm guessing to get the elephant out. Finally I pretended to get him out and throw him away and said he was gone...she stopped crying and cuddled in for some what was I doing through all this? Laughing my butt off! I know bad mommy but I couldn't help it, it was so funny that she actually thought there was an elephant up there! Oh dear, such innocence! Later on Daddy taught her that if there is an elephant or any animal up there to say "get it" and we will get it out for her and throw it away...she likes that.


El said...

It's so cool how you have all these activities for Becca.