Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back in black

Here's a few shots of my pretty girl from this morning. She did a little fashion show on her bed for me! All in black, showing off the bow I made her.

Today I finally took my mom to see the house...she loves it and I can't wait to move!!! 2 more weeks... :(

I'm having a fat day mom made me feel fat and stupid, like always. Anywho my baby girl is still sick, I hate it. She doesn't sleep well at all.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Some bows to share

OK here are my first 3 bows ever made! The two purple ones were first and a little scary! I did them really quick and I got the wrong clips so they look crappy. The black bow is a Jill inspired bow. It turned out pretty good and it was fun to make. So now I am just waiting to order some better clips and I am all set!

In other news, Becca was sick today, she had a fever and she threw up! First time ever. She's feeling better now I guess, she is drugged up though. Didn't make it to the new house, the weather got bad.

So let me know what you all think about the bows so far!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Adventures in hair bows

Well folks I have decided to start my own "business". I am going to be on Etsy selling hair bows and such very soon, as soon as I get some made anyways. I figured it would be something I would enjoy making and then to sell a few to at least pay for the cost of materials, would be a bonus! I am moving out of town soon so I need something to keep me occupied! I will be doing the no slip alligator clips and some other clips with bigger bows and then I would like to get into some simple sewing things like a diaper clutch and aprons. I will post a link whenever I am up and running and I hope you all will check it out and share some feedback with me!

The pic of Becca is her wearing a sample of what I will be making, this one is a very plain style and I will do more "pretty" ones with bows and buttons and flowers etc.

Oh and Jill.....the song in the top right corner is for you...also I have a bow in mind which is inpired from you and Maddie....I hope it turns out!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lego master

The following shots are from this mornings lego building. She says she built a castle...I think it looks like one! She was very excited and proud and then later knocked it all down saying "mess". Oh and then I tried to build something and she decided it was a boat and sat on it...silly girl.

I hope to go out to the new house this afternoon to look around again and decide what needs to be done. We got the keys today. I can't wait to move!

Also I will be adding a song of the day for your listening pleasure! Enjoy!

Monday, February 23, 2009

dress up day!

Today was dress up day and Becca got to wear her Tu-Tu. She is such a cutie! She played in her kitchen today "cooking". Then she fed her baby oh so carefully. Of course she had to give herself some of the ba-ba. I love the fact that she covered the baby's face, either so she couldn't see or she was trying to smother her...???

Wickey came over today and made a fort with the couch. Becca "helped" me clean up the basement and start packing. It may take awhile since she likes to take the stuff out of the boxes as I put it in!

That's about it for today, pretty boring but I'm not feeling to good.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mr. Clown

This morning I decided to make a clown with the puff ball things I have. So at first I was going for a big puff ball head which I was trying to get Becca to help with but she only did a couple then wanted to eat her fruit. So I finished that and started on a body...then I realized the hair would be waaaayyyyy too big so I made a different head of clown hair. So this is my finished clown, I think he's cute...all original! Becca likes him too.

In other news I think I traumatized her yesterday! She was picking her nose (I know not very lady like) and I asked if there was a booger up there and she said no and continued jamming the finger up there...then I asked if there was an elephant up there...she then bawled her eyes out and I asked what was wrong and she looked at me through tear filled eyes and said "elephant?" and cried some more...then grabbed my finger and tried to stick it up her nose, I'm guessing to get the elephant out. Finally I pretended to get him out and throw him away and said he was gone...she stopped crying and cuddled in for some what was I doing through all this? Laughing my butt off! I know bad mommy but I couldn't help it, it was so funny that she actually thought there was an elephant up there! Oh dear, such innocence! Later on Daddy taught her that if there is an elephant or any animal up there to say "get it" and we will get it out for her and throw it away...she likes that.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Well the past few days have been lazy...just normal playing and reading for us. Her new favorite. book is one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish by Dr. Seuss. She has made Josh and I read it a zillion times now in the week she has had it! She also loves when I sing her favorite. song to her You are my sunshine. She is starting to sing songs as well, like the Elmo theme and Mickey mouse clubhouse song hot dog as well as the theme song. I guess it means she watches too much TV.

She has known her ABC's for months now and she can count to 12 with help...I say 1 she says 2 and so on until we get to 12 then I say 13 and she says 8. lol

I am working on her colors and so far she says they are all blue...she can say the other colors and sometimes she gets them right but blue seems to be the favorite!

I'll try to get some pics soon, she hasn't been too photogenic.

Oh and in other news we found a house to rent in the country and will be moving soon, I can't wait! Lots of space to play outside and to discover new things.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless wednesday

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family day

Well today was a holiday "family day" so Josh had the day off! YAY plus his normal day off tomorrow = 4 whole days in a row! wow. We went for a walk this morning and then just relaxed and played the rest of the day. It was great to have nothing to do! Just silliness, which Becca is very good at and we thoroughly enjoy it.

I took the pic above of her tonight, she wanted to lie on the pillow beside me on the couch and she actually fell asleep while I watched House. She was so peaceful and cute I had to take pics!

Josh and I went out for dinner last might to the Keg and OMG it was good! wow, best meal ever plus the 5 other people we went with were great company, it was so fun to get out for an adult night!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

more bugs and a bike!

Saturday the kids were here and we did a few crafts. They made paper bag puppets and they each made a caterpillar out of egg cartons. I let them paint them and put the legs and head on but I cut them out and poke the holes. It was fun for all.

We bought Becca a tricycle as well. I know its still winter but I figured she needs to learn how to work the peddles first so why not try it inside. Then maybe by spring she'll be able to do it on her own! She loves it and kept calling it a car.

Then she took her valentine puppy for a ride!

So tonight Josh and I are going to Ottawa for a free dinner with his boss. Can't wait! Wickey will be watching Becca boo.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Last night while I was cooking I put out some of these, well we will call them rocks. Becca loved them and I gave her the egg carton and let her put them in there. She also transferred them to a pot and a different basket. Lots of fun. She only tried to put it in her mouth once, good girl, she's learning!

Also my little sweet girl has become a little devil the past few days, she gets this ear piercing scream going on and for no reason! Sometimes I just don't know what I should do for her. I think the thoughts in her head go way faster than I could imagine and I can't keep up! LOL. She is learning so fast and I am so proud of her but I wish she could understand some of the simple things, she is learning to ask for help instead of screaming, I kept explaining that if she needs help to say "help" and she is doing it more often. I know it must be frustrating to be her, so much to do and learn and not always able to do it on her own. C'est la vie!

Today I have spent most of the day cleaning. Then my sink clogged up, darn it. Wickey will be over soon for her visit. Tomorrow Samantha and Anthony (Josh's kids) will be over for the night. Becca has been talking about Sammy non stop, she loves her sister. I may not have another update for a few days, it will be a busy weekend! Out for supper on Sunday night, I can't wait!

♥♥♥♥♥ Happy valentine's day every one!! ♥♥♥♥♥

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Morning craft, spiders!

Today we did a craft I found in a magazine a while back. It's not the right season for it but Becca likes spiders so I figured she would like it!

Take a egg carton and cut out the single egg sections. Paint black and when dry poke 8 holes for legs around the bottom and then a hole for the head. Take equal lengths of black pipe cleaner, I cut each one into 3. Poke them into the holes and shape into legs. Take a piece and use it for the head, I just twisted mine a bit. There you go a spider!

Rebecca liked it a lot, she tried to help but black paint and white pj's were not a good idea, silly mom. So after she got cleaned up she watched me poke the legs through and then had fun playing with the spider and trying to sing the song.

I sang itsy bitsy spider for her and she tries to do the movements to it! Gosh I love her ♥


It was a very warm day here yesterday, especially for February! We went outside a bunch. In the afternoon Becca discovered puddles. I love how fun it is to watch them and help them discover new things, things we take for granted. She loved puddles, especially the splashing. We walked up and down the street, dead end street so not much traffic. She would splash in everyone of them. Then she would bend down and stay still and see her reflection in the puddle. In the end she got wet and dirty and I got some good pictures! Spring is going to be so much fun!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

crazy lady encounter

The past few days I have been trying to organize Becca's toys....this is the solution I have come up with so far. A book shelf with these baskets for all her smaller toys...I have one for little people, one for balls, etc. It works great.

In other news we have been enjoying the warm we walked uptown and an old lady gave my daughter trouble for not saying thank you when I bought her a small toy...well lady if you didn't scare the crap out of her I am sure my very polite daughter would have said thank you to me. AHHH some people just don't know when to keep their traps shut. Sorry had to vent.

When she wakes from her nap we are going to go back outside for a bit, better take advantage of the warm weather when its here!

Monday, February 9, 2009

monday, monday

Well today was a lazy day, I didn't try any new activities. We worked on numbers and colors. She can count to 10 with help. The colors are slow but she will catch on soon enough. We did a lot of running around and chasing today, she just loves it and gets such a cute giggle going on when I try to catch her, I love it! Wickey came over today also.

Yesterday was pretty interesting. We went for a walk and she walked all the way to the grocery store by herself, which would be about 3-4 "blocks" away. Then I put her in her stroller but she didn't like that too much!

I tested out a tricycle at W-mart and she LOVED it...and another screaming fit when I put her back into the cart.. :( I don't think I will be getting that one however, I just can't see myself spending $80 on it!!!!

Becca PEED IN THE POTTY for the first time last night! She started on the floor and I put her on the potty and she actually finished peeing! I am so proud!, she was so scared to before...I guess the Elmo potty DVD has worked. YAY Elmo!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Yesterday we had some family over, my cousins and Aunt C and Uncle L and Becca had so much fun with them. She just loves to be around older kids and they read and playing in her cardboard house and ran around outside for a bit.

I made some play dough with flour, water and salt yesterday and it turned out well but Becca doesn't like the feel of it. Oh well I guess another time!

Today I made a few things to help her learn her colors. The fish I printed out from DLTK, its a great site for crafts and printable items. I have also printed the cow in the picture and an Elmo door hanger. Very cute stuff there. Also I put a few stickers on some construction paper. The fish one she liked but when I would ask what a color was she would say fish, so I figured the stickers would be better to learn the colors with. So far she can identify blue and red and orange, but sometimes she gets those last 2 mixed up. I'm not putting much pressure on it though, its just for fun and we will do it as long as she is interested.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun Friday's

Friday's are the day Wickey comes over(Becca's granny). This Friday was super fun. In the morning we had a tea party and her "friend" the little blue guy sitting in the red thing and the dinosaur came to have tea with us. She loves to have tea parties.

Then after her nap Wickey came over and brought Becca a princess jewelery set so we put that on her and she actually kept most of it on for about 2 hours! She loved the earrings and necklace.

Then we decided to have fun with some snow...she wanted to go "walk-a-walk" but it was too cold. I got some snow and brought it inside and played with spoons and making snow castles, which she called cakes and that's why she is eating one...silly girl! That kept her busy for a while. Then her and wickey played in her cardboard house while I made supper. Wickey made some curtains for it and they played peek-a-boo. Pretty cute.

Today I am going to attempt to make play dough...could be scary.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dish water

Yesterday I was trying to finish up the dishes when Becca wanted my attention, as usual. So instead of telling her to play for a minute I let her help me. (I'm trying to be more patient and a better mommy) So I got a chair and stood beside her , with my leg behind her too, and let her play in the water. She LOVED it. She would take the forks and spoons and dip them into the water, she thought that's how they get clean. Then she played with her bottle brushes and a measuring cup.

She didn't really like the bubbles on her hands, she is a little particular about stuff on her hands.

Then of course trying to catch the water, one day she'll figure it out.

Oh and a bonus picture of my beautiful girl with her "outfit", beads, a bracelet and of course no pants!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

fuzzy fun

I did some motor skill activities today. I got the idea from Jill's blog so I got out the fuzzy puffy things and two baskets and a spoon and away she went! She was concentrating so hard, I can tell because she holds her breathe. She transferred all the puffs to the one basket and then dumped that one back into the first! LOL I guess she figured it was faster. She did really well and only used her hands a few times. She seemed to really enjoy it too. I am going to try doing colors and shapes soon to see if she can match them up. I am trying to find more ideas to try with her. It gets kinda boring being inside all the time. Its so cold out! I can't wait for spring so we can walk around and collect some "treasures", Becca really enjoys being outside.

A little update, Becca is finally better, two weeks of a runny nose is no fun, now I just have to work on mine! The antibiotics I'm taking are working a bit for my ears, I can hear better today, thank goodness!

In other news I think Becca wants to be a Doodlebop. She loves them and she will sing or play her piano and then say doodlebops so I think she wants to join the band! LOL I wonder what color she would be?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yesterday Rebecca successfully counted to 5 so I thought I would make some kind of number thing for her. This is what I came up with. Its a cute caterpillar with 1-10. I printed the caterpillar from DLTK. I put it in the living room so we can practice together. She likes to count so now I will try to show her what the numbers she is counting look like.

Also here is a pic of the "R" I did for her room the other day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

dollar stores are fun!

Well Saturday was my day off..."wickey" (Granny) took Becca to her place for the whole afternoon. I went for a walk and watched a movie and just relaxed all by myself!!!!! Wow it was fun and very different!

Sunday we went to the new dollar store and got some fun things for Becca. Some little fuzzy puff ball thingies that she likes to count and put into different containers. I got a letter R and painted it pink with white polkadots to put up on her wall. A wooden toy train I will paint. Plus some cups and bowls and plates with Dora on them. She had fun and so did I!

Today we are going for a walk to the doctors, my ears have been blocked since Saturday. The we will go to my sisters for a paydate with Becca and Tyson, he's 8 months old.

The visit was fun! Tyson is so cute. Becca loved to play with all his toys! We will have to go back soon. Oh and I have fluid in my, fun.