Sunday, February 15, 2009

more bugs and a bike!

Saturday the kids were here and we did a few crafts. They made paper bag puppets and they each made a caterpillar out of egg cartons. I let them paint them and put the legs and head on but I cut them out and poke the holes. It was fun for all.

We bought Becca a tricycle as well. I know its still winter but I figured she needs to learn how to work the peddles first so why not try it inside. Then maybe by spring she'll be able to do it on her own! She loves it and kept calling it a car.

Then she took her valentine puppy for a ride!

So tonight Josh and I are going to Ottawa for a free dinner with his boss. Can't wait! Wickey will be watching Becca boo.


Swimming-duck said...

I like the egg carton caterpillars. I may have to try them at some point.