Thursday, February 12, 2009

Morning craft, spiders!

Today we did a craft I found in a magazine a while back. It's not the right season for it but Becca likes spiders so I figured she would like it!

Take a egg carton and cut out the single egg sections. Paint black and when dry poke 8 holes for legs around the bottom and then a hole for the head. Take equal lengths of black pipe cleaner, I cut each one into 3. Poke them into the holes and shape into legs. Take a piece and use it for the head, I just twisted mine a bit. There you go a spider!

Rebecca liked it a lot, she tried to help but black paint and white pj's were not a good idea, silly mom. So after she got cleaned up she watched me poke the legs through and then had fun playing with the spider and trying to sing the song.

I sang itsy bitsy spider for her and she tries to do the movements to it! Gosh I love her ♥