Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun Friday's

Friday's are the day Wickey comes over(Becca's granny). This Friday was super fun. In the morning we had a tea party and her "friend" the little blue guy sitting in the red thing and the dinosaur came to have tea with us. She loves to have tea parties.

Then after her nap Wickey came over and brought Becca a princess jewelery set so we put that on her and she actually kept most of it on for about 2 hours! She loved the earrings and necklace.

Then we decided to have fun with some snow...she wanted to go "walk-a-walk" but it was too cold. I got some snow and brought it inside and played with spoons and making snow castles, which she called cakes and that's why she is eating one...silly girl! That kept her busy for a while. Then her and wickey played in her cardboard house while I made supper. Wickey made some curtains for it and they played peek-a-boo. Pretty cute.

Today I am going to attempt to make play dough...could be scary.