Friday, February 6, 2009

Dish water

Yesterday I was trying to finish up the dishes when Becca wanted my attention, as usual. So instead of telling her to play for a minute I let her help me. (I'm trying to be more patient and a better mommy) So I got a chair and stood beside her , with my leg behind her too, and let her play in the water. She LOVED it. She would take the forks and spoons and dip them into the water, she thought that's how they get clean. Then she played with her bottle brushes and a measuring cup.

She didn't really like the bubbles on her hands, she is a little particular about stuff on her hands.

Then of course trying to catch the water, one day she'll figure it out.

Oh and a bonus picture of my beautiful girl with her "outfit", beads, a bracelet and of course no pants!


Swimming-duck said...

You know, I need to do more of this kind of thing too. I tend to tell Ayden to play instead of try to incorporate him into my chores. Which really, when you think about it, is a great way to start them early in the habit of chores! Soooo...I need to be more patient also and let him help more. I think I just get in a hurry sometimes and just want it done, know what I mean? Cute pics by the way. I love the ones of her dressed up and playing with the snow. What a great idea to bring it indoors!