Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ok First of all I did something bad to my blog!  I changed the way you write a post and now it's very weird and I have to upload one picture at a time... :(   Fiddlesticks.  If anyone can help me change it back that would be great since I can't find how I did it!

Anyways today is a crazy blizzard day and so we are staying home all warm and safe!  We made a few popcicle sticks crafts.  I saw Jill and Maddie do a tree like this so Becca made one too!  She was so good at it!  I traced the shape of each stick on the paper and told her to put glue on the paper and then put the right stick on it and she did!  She would look at the stick first and make sure she had the right size.  After we were done that part I let her glue a diamond on top and then we needed a trunk!  So after that she declared that it was an elephant...wrong type of trunk sweetie!

Then she made a triangle and a "W" for "wickey" its what she calls her grandma!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow day!

It snowed here yesterday so we heading out for a good romp!

Rebecca loves it so much more this year. She kept trying to build a snowman but there was only an inch on the ground so I helped and we made a mini snowman, he is pretty cute with his leaf hat! lol

She was so excited and I love the pictures I got, they capture the pure joy that a bit of white stuff can bring! She was saying "hurray snow!" it was so much fun.

We then ventured into the backyard and she went on the deck and decided to play in the sandbox! Crazy kid.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday, well sort of

I see so many other people do this so I wanted to join in! I don't have a little muffin tin, but I will get one! So here is her "tin"... A bologna and ketchup sandwich cut into Minnie mouse, cheese, ants on a log, AKA peanut butter and raisins on celery, and a few more raisins. She ate everything except the celery. I guess it was too much chewing.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Craft time

This past week Becca and I made a few crafts. First we did a crazy Styrofoam ball/googly eyed type of thing. I didn't really plan it out we just kinda did I took some Popsicle sticks and stuck the Styrofoam balls on top and glued on some googly eyes and buttons. She loves gluing stuff. The we made a Popsicle man with more googly eyes and buttons, then she decided she had enough. Here is a crazy picture of the gang!

Then I decided to try her out with beading. I didn't however, have any beads to use but I found some buttons. So I gave her some buttons and a pipe cleaner and showed her how to put a button on and she gave it a try. She absolutely loved this and worked very hard at it, I could tell because she breathes heavy when she concentrates! She put quite a few on and then decided she wanted to wear it so I tied it around her neck for her and she was so proud!

The next day we went to her Grandma's house, who pretty much has a craft store in her house, and Becca got to make a necklace and bracelet out of real beads and wire, not a pipe cleaner. To my surprise she did it quite well and didn't even get mad! She learned quickly after a few attempts to hold onto the bead while she got the wire all the way through, because unlike pipe cleaners, it will slip away.

So I am definitely getting her a bead set for Christmas. :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Yesterday I made meatballs for the second time because they are so yummy. I love the fact that Josh will eat them and loves them even though there are a whole can of tomatoes in the sauce...He hasn't caught on yet...Mr. I hate tomatoes.

I got the recipe here

Heading into town later to pick up stuff to make pumpkin pie's for Thanksgiving dinner on the weekend. Josh has to work on the day of the big family dinner but I will make a dinner for the 3 of us on Monday.

Rebecca loves this new book I got for her. It's for 3 and up but she is really good with it. She knows how to match all the stickers to the right spots and she can draw "lines" from one object to the other. We have gone through the book quite a few times since yesterday! She is so smart! I am so proud of her. She amazes me every day with how well she can talk and remember things. She is quite the little singer as well!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Slow cooker chicken!

I have a new interest these days along with my daughter, my business and my soon to be husband (tee hee) and it is slow cooking! I bought myself a slow cooker 2 weeks ago and I absolutely LOVE IT!! I have made a few dishes and plan on making many more! Here is one I want to share from A year of slow cooking, it's a great blog with a year's worth of slow cooker recipes! I made this rotisserie chicken and it was THE BEST chicken I have ever had! It was so tender and delicious! Easy to make and easy clean up. I just love it and will make it all the time. I might add a few more spices than I did last time, I didn't have everything the recipe asked for. I think it would be delicious even without the spices. Rebecca loved it too which is good because she doesn't always eat meat.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Making muffins

Today we decided to make some chocolate muffins. Rebecca loves to help me and "stir" the muffins. So we whipped up a batch. Here's a cute pic of her helping.

Also here is a pic of my big girl drinking out of a cup..she does so well! We had to delay the cup learning for a bit because of carpets and moving but we are settled and have no carpets so I don't care if she spills! She is doing so well and is so proud of herself!

On another note of being a big girl, she is showing more interest in potty so I am letting her tell me and I think it is working well. She has also learned to open doors..not a good thing. Only the bedroom doors thank goodness! She will sneak back out after I put her to bed and ask me to tuck her in again, or like last night she told me she pee'd and I had to change her diaper. I am not ready for all this growing up!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm back ....Again.

Ok I gotta stop leaving my blog! I was moving etc so I had no internet for a month and a half! Goodness. So I now live in a beautiful house in a little village. I absolutely LOVE IT. I will get pics of the inside of the house when I get it unpacked and decorated. Here are a few of the outside. It's a nice place..fireplace inside, can't wait to sit and

back of house
back yard

back yard

front of house

Rebecca and myself were in a wedding a couple weeks ago. I was the Maid of Honor and Becca the flowergirl, she looked so cute. Everyone was coming up to me at the reception saying how cute she is! Here are a few pics from that...

So thats enough for now, I will update more another day!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Flower girl dress

My little girl will be the flower girl in my best friend's wedding in September and I picked up her dress yesterday. She tried it on in the store and as I was buttoning up the back I had a flash into the future of buttoning up her wedding dress...sigh

So the dress was regularly 100 and I got it for 30...Big deal! She looks so adorable in it too and she agrees, she was in love with herself. LOL

Here it is!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today I decided to get back into the learning activities with Rebecca after reading some inspiring posts from Jill's Blog

I took a tray and put a few different small items in it and let her use a spoon to put the items into different was kinda boring so I tested her by saying to put the same type of items together...she did SO well with this and was very proud of herself. She was so quiet too! This girl usually talks non-stop all day long, but I guess she had to concentrate so hard that she couldn't talk too! LOL. She put all the shells together, and the stars and rocks etc. Then after that I said that she could put the shells into the container to put away and she actually started to put only the same kind of things into one container, so I got her a few more and she put the 4 different items in the containers! If she grabbed the wrong one by mistake she would correct herself before putting it in, it was so cute.

Jackson had to see if there was any food in he needs anymore!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Rebecca!!

OMG my baby girl is 2!!!! I just can't believe it! I can remember so clearly when she was born, then I remember her first birthday and thinking about how I couldn't believe she was 1 and now it seems like only a month has past and she is 2! That saying is so very sadly true about how fast they grow up. I think about how in 2 years she has learned to speak in sentences, run like the wind, ride her trike, finally go to bed on her own, tell me she loves me so much, and has brightened every day in my life the past 2 years. I love this little girl more than I ever imagined possible, I can't imagine my life without her in it.

So happy birthday my little sunshine, I love you!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Canada Day Fun

Yesterday was Canada Day and first we went to our local festivities but they sucked because it had been raining and it was kinda all for big kids. We let Becca go on the swings for a bit and then we decided to go to the next town over and see what was there.

Not a whole lot more but they had a beach so we went for a little "swim" and played in the sand for a bit. At first she didn't like it and just sat on this rock and watched the waves go in and out but Daddy was brave and went for a swim and then she decided to be brave and went in with him. Then of course she didn't want to leave! It was so fun and nice. The I dropped my camera in the water, but only a bit, but enough for it not to work right. Josh said to put it in a bag with rice overnight so it would soak up the moisture and voila it did!!!!

I just have to say that Josh is a wonderful man and he has really shown us how much he loves us and wants our family together. He has been amazing and I fell in love with him again. I actually get the tingles had been so long. We both have things to work on, like my communication and him helping out with things...but so far we both are doing great!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Oh my does time fly

It doesn't even look like the same girl anymore! It's kinda a bad pic of her but she wouldn't stay still! So here she is almost 2 (friday!) and at about 6-7 months's crazy and it makes me a little sad to see how much she has changed. I miss my little baby girl but I love the smart wonderful girl she has become. *sigh*

Friday, June 26, 2009

Teddy Bear Picnic

♫ If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise...because today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic ♫

Anyways, last weekend I took Becca to our hospital's Teddy bear picnic. It was so cute and fun, there was a dentist, xray, doctor's and pharmacy where they gave Becca some "vitamins" (smarties) for her Bear. Angel (the bear) also got his paw bandaged and he was brave and had a needle. he got a balloon for all his troubles though. Very cute and I will take her every year until she gets too old. The pics above are of Angel at the dentist.

In other news, Josh and I have been really working on us and things are going very well.

My Grandpa died on Sunday, we weren't close so I'm fine with it. Went to the wake yesterday and Becca was freaked out! Josh says kids can see dead people...weirdo.

I am so super happy it's not hot out today, it was getting a little tiring. My lawn is crunchy.

I had a hopping day on Etsy yesterday, which makes for a great mood! It's like everyone waits for the same day to shop! LOL

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Bear

This bear went nuts with my garbage can, ate most of the garbage, ripped open diapers (yuck) and had fun for hours! I got a couple pics from when he came back after a while but at one point he went for a tour of the porch and stood right in front of the door looking at the bugs flying around the light, he was like a puppy or something, but a whole lot bigger, lol. The aftermath this morning was pretty gross, but Josh cleaned it up for me!

In other news Josh and I are trying to work on things. We are still separated but he has really stepped up. He has been a great Daddy lately and I love it and so does Becca. I guess he realized a lot the past month and it shows. I still have to get over all the resentment I have built up though. It will happen I'm sure, I do still love the guy. :)

Oh and a cute pic of Becca and me in the pool yesterday, she likes it now, but only if she's naked :P

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Treasury #2

Another treasury!! Holy smokes I'm on a roll! Click here to check it out!

This one features my Michael miller rustic guitar Snuggle Square.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Some new products

Hi there! Here are a few new products I made today. The first is a crayon roll-up. It's a great way to bring along crayons for your child to play with while waiting at the doctor or in a restaurant, etc. It has a flap that you fold down and then roll and go! Rebecca loves the one I made her!

Next 2 are both Snuggle Squares. I love the colors and designs of these two toys. It almost makes me want a little boy!

I am working on some more crayon roll-ups but I ran out of thread! lol. So as soon as I get some more I will have a cute little construction theme for a cute!