Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Updates again...

Ok long overdue post!

So in the past 2 months things have taken a total turnaround in my life. Josh and I have split and we get along better as friends! Go figure. Rebecca is our #1 priority and always will be. She is still doing so well, talking non-stop...the things she comes up with amaze me! Her fav's right now are being a doctor and Princess'.

My Etsy shop is doing so well. I am so excited! I have reached 50 sales now after posting items regularly for 2 months. I have a deal in the works for selling my items in a real store! I am still coming up with new things to sell as the hair clip market on Etsy is huge! I get most of my sales from headbands and bow holders. I have been featured in 2 blogs so far which is exciting.

So in 2 months I will be moving again...I know it sucks but I can't live in the country with no car. Becca and I will get a place in town and walk , walk, walk.

Becca discovered the park again a week or so ago. She was so excited to go on the bridge and slides! I was brave and let her go down by herself! She LOVED it and went down a million times I swear! She looks so scared in the pic but she has fun :)

So on a personal level I am just trying to find me again. I lost myself a while ago and I need to find me and have fun and do whats best for me and my daughter. I am going to a show on Friday with my bestest friend. Her fiance plays in a Doors cover band and I love the Doors so away we go! I will be staying the night and Becca will be with Daddy...I may have heart failure being away from her as I have never been away overnight, but I think I need the break and some time without the responsibility....*breathe Chantel* Anyways here are some pics!!!!!!!!


Meghann said...

I'm glad you are taking time to be you. You are important!

El said...

Glad to read an update. It's been awhile since you posted. I am sorry to hear about the split, but it sounds like it is for the best.

Your Etsy shop is so cool. Too bad I can't put those on my son... lol.