Sunday, April 5, 2009

I have returned

After almost a month I finally have Internet again! YAHOO!!!!!!!! So I am in my new home and I love it. Bigger and quiet and a nice big yard. I feel at peace here. Rebecca is just thriving here too...she loves being outside and collecting "cones" (pine cones)and rocks in her bucket. It doesn't matter if it's cold or not, she's happy. She is also finally, after 20 months, sleeping in her own room, through the night and falling asleep by herself!! This is huge! I am so proud of her.

She has been talking up a storm as well. Counting to 21 with help, but her usual method is 1,2,3,4,5,16,18,19,20...its very cute. She knows her shapes and points them out on numerous different things. Its so very amazing to watch and help them learn all these things.

She has become quite obsessed with In the night garden...she watches it every night before bed and can name every character. What a strange little show.

Above are some pictures of my monkey enjoying the outdoors and one of her with a ball under her shirt, which she thought was hilarious!


El said...

Great to have you back!!!

That's awesome that Becca is sleeping in her own room.