Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday, monday

Hello everyone...unfortunately no new and interesting things to report...Becca has been sick the past few days so we haven't done too much. Went out to the new house again and hooked up a baby gate, had to make one kinda because the stairs are weird. I love it there, its so bright and quiet. We are officially moving on the 10th now. I HATE moving but this time its so worth it!

I put my first 2 pairs of bows on etsy today! YAY, lets hope wonderful things happen there, it would be nice to make a bit of cash.

One little Becca tidbit is her ever growing vocabulary. I don't even know how many words she can say now, in the hundreds for sure. Yesterday she kept saying "number 2, number 2" so cute. Today she named off all 7 dwarfs, just from me showing her a couple days ago. Good memory.

She hasn't been eating very much at all. I worry but I guess she's ok. I know once she is feeling better she will eat.

Anyways maybe I'll have more fun stuff later on!